The Connected Conversations

“Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.”  Unknown

The Connected Conversations are an open forum Q&A for the community to learn from Crossroads team of experts on topics such as communication, marriage and relationship issues, mindfulness, family dynamics, teen issues, personal growth, leadership, conflict resolution, and much more!  Time is 6:30-7:30pm.  Cost is $20 per participant.  Registration is limited to 12 participants.  Call 623-680-3486 to reserve your spot.


2017 Dates:

April 6th:  “When Love Goes Wrong” by Travis Frye MA, LPC

April 20th:  “How to Create Connection” by Travis Frye MA, LPC

May 18th:  “What’s Your Parenting Style” by Kristin Wyse MA, LAC    ***RSVP by May 15th to attend***

June 1st: “It’s the Thought That Counts” A conversation on mindfulness by Lauren Jack MC, LPC

June 15th: “Finding Balance”  by Life Coach Jena Hernandez.

July 6th: “Path To Growth” A conversation on John Townsend’s growth model by Travis Frye MA, LPC

July 20th:  TBA

August 10th:  “Teens and Social Media” by Kristin Wyse MA, LAC

August 31st:  TBA

September 7th: “It’s the Thought That Counts” A conversation on mindfulness by Lauren Jack MC, LPC

September 21st:  Creating Connection by therapist Travis Frye MA, LPC

October 5th:  Creating Connection Part 2 by therapist Travis Frye MA, LPC.

November 2nd and November 16th:  TBA

No classes in December