Ask us about our intensive counseling programs for couples. We also have intensive counseling for individuals suffering with PTSD/trauma called the Beyond Trauma program. Our intensive can be scheduled for 2, 3, or 4 days. We also offer extended intensive sessions on a weekly basis. For more information please contact our office at 623-680-3486,text 623-688-5115, or email
Now accepting new clients. In person in Scottsdale and Phoenix. Online virtual sessions available in all of Arizona. Contact our office at 623-680-3486,text 623-688-5115, or email
We offer a complementary 20 minute phone consultation with one of our therapists or counselors Call 623-680-3486 or text 623-688-5115.
Men’s Counseling Phoenix, Scottsdale, and online throughout Arizona
Are you ready to reach your full potential? Perhaps you struggle being vulnerable with those that matter the most. Or maybe it is difficult for you to emotionally connect with yourself and others? Do you feel stagnant in your career, relationship, or even in life? If you are struggling to find your deeper purpose and to grow personally, relationally, spiritually, and professionally than now is the time to learn the skills that can help you reach your goals.
If you are ready to take charge of your personal growth but don’t know how or even where to begin you may benefit from Coaching and Counseling for Men. Coaching and Counseling for Men is like having your very own “personal growth coach” who can equip and encourage you with the skills and tools needed to be more confident and effective.
Coaching and Counseling for Men is unique in that it combines both coaching and counseling strategies to help you grow. Through coaching the focus is on identifying your specific growth goals and working towards achieving those goals. Often times what stops men from achieving their goals and reaching the next level are emotional blocks such as fear, insecurity, or a lack of confidence. Through counseling the therapist/coach is able to help you overcome your emotional barriers in order to help you achieve your maximum growth potential.
Holistic Approach
Coaching and Counseling for Men at Crossroad’s Counseling takes a holistic approach to growth meaning we focus on the whole person: mind, body, and soul. If you are struggling with a relationship issue, professional challenge, or spiritual difficulty than coaching and counseling can help.
You may be asking, “Would I benefit from coaching and counseling?” If you want to grow in the following areas the answer is yes:
Emotional Intelligence. This is the capacity to understand emotions and emotional needs both in self and others. Developing self-awareness, self-discipline, and empathy are all a part of Emotional Intelligence (EI). Coaching and Counseling for Men can help you to increase your EI so that you will be better able to connect with those around you.
Relationship/Marriage. Many men have a deep down fear of failing in the role of husband and father. Coaching and Counseling for the relationships that matter the most to you can help you to stop the negative relationship patterns. You will learn how to create healthy patterns and how to build relationships built on trust, safety, and connection. To learn more about marriage and couple’s counseling click here.
Confidence. Do you show that you’re confident on the outside while on the inside you feel doubt and insecurity? This is a normal experience for most guys. Through Crossroad’s Coaching and Counseling for Men you will learn the tools that can help you feel more confident and secure in who you are.
Leadership. Are you ready to take your leadership to the next level? This could be in the workplace, in your family, community, church, or any other format where you find yourself in a leadership position. Coaching and Counseling for Men will help you to be a more confident leader through increasing your EI, improving how you relate to others, living a more disciplined lifestyle, and by increasing your self-confidence.
Personal Growth. Do you feel stuck? Stagnant? Do you have dreams that are unfulfilled? By identifying your personal growth goals, receiving personal coaching and counseling, and living a disciplined lifestyle you will be able to turn those dreams into achievable goals. No one can do it alone! We all need a team and Coaching and Counseling for Men just may be exactly what you have been looking for.
Anger. Does your anger control you or do you control you anger? Has it caused you and others unnecessary pain and/or suffering? Crossroad’s Coaching and Counseling for Men offers anger management services for those struggling to control anger in their lives. Increasing self-awareness of triggers, destructive thinking patterns, and the process of how emotions work are some of the tools you will learn to gain control over you anger. To learn more about anger management counseling click here.
Spiritual Growth. For those who have a faith background Crossroad’s Coaching and Counseling for Men can partner with you in your spiritual journey. Engaging in the spiritual disciplines such as community, silence, solitude, fasting, and meditation to name a few are all ways to grow spiritually. Your Crossroad’s coach/therapist will be by your side in your growth journey. To learn more about Crossroads faith background click here.
Shame. Shame is often expressed in the sentiment, “I am not enough.” Shame is debilitating. It is at the root of many negative symptoms such as depression, anxiety, relationship/marriage issues, career struggles, and more. To learn more about shame click here.
Christian counseling is offered for men who want to work with a therapist that shares their faith. There is also an option for Christian marriage counseling offered both in the traditional weekly model or in an intensive marriage counseling intervention.
But, You Still May Have Questions of Concerns…
I don’t need anyone. I can manage my life on my own.
The first step to growth is accepting the reality is no one can do it alone. Just look at any successful man and you will see that along the way they have had someone invest in their life. Every guy can benefit from having a team and a coach who knows both your strengths and weaknesses and who has your back. Every guy has blind spots and needs others to help him see with clarity. Every guy can benefit from life coaching and counseling services at some point in their growth process.
Coaching and Counseling is a sign of weakness.
Vulnerability takes real strength and courage. Weakness is hiding, pretending, not dealing with the issues, and not asking for help when it’s needed. If you want to be a better version of you than working with a trained life coach and therapist will help you to get past your stuck areas and get to a new level of growth.
I’m too busy or overwhelmed to meet with a men’s therapist.
We get that you are busy or that you might be so overwhelmed with life the thought of adding one more thing to your plate sounds, well, overwhelming. We encourage you to prioritize your mental health and well being. You cannot be your best self, meet the demands of reality, and take care of all the people and things in your life well if you are burned out. We offer online counseling for men as a safe, private, and convenient way for you to meet with a counselor. All you need is an internet connection and a device such as a smartphone, tablet. or laptop to start online therapy (sometimes referred to as video therapy, telehealth, or teletherapy) in Phoenix, Scottsdale, or online anywhere in Arizona. Click here to learn more.
I am ready to start living my life and to reach my potential. What are my next steps?
We want to partner with you to help you with whatever challenge you are facing. To start working with a counselor that understands issues men face today call us at 623-680-3486,texting 623-688-5115, or emailing and ask to speak with one of our men’s coach/counselor for a 20 minute complementary phone call. You can ask all the questions you have and see if Coaching and Counseling for Men at Crossroads Counseling Phoenix and Scottsdale Relationship Centers is the right fit for you.