Emotional Intelligence Quiz

Emotional Intelligence Quiz?

Emotional intelligence, EQ, is a construct first developed by professors Peter Salovey of Yale University and John D. Mayer of the University of New Hampshire.  They define EQ as the:

…ability to engage in sophisticated information processing about one’s own and others’ emotions and the ability to use this information as a guide to thinking and behaviour. That is, individuals high in emotional intelligence pay attention to, use, understand, and manage emotions, and these skills serve adaptive functions that potentially benefit themselves and others.

Daniel Goleman is also among the pioneers of emotional intelligence.  He has written extensively on the subject and is the world's leading expert.  Goleman has identified 5 components of EQ.  They are:

  1. Empathy.  Empathy in very basic terms is the capacity to identify other people's emotions, to feel with them, and be moved with compassion.  Engaging and connection openly and vulnerably with others are two traits of empathy.
  2. Social Skills.  Social skills refers to the capacity related to effectively communicating with others.  Being able to manage difficult and uncomfortable conversations as well as communicating with vulnerability are just two examples of strong social skills.
  3. Self-Awareness. Self-awareness refers to the ability to know one's own thoughts, feelings, motivations, values, needs, and why they behave the way they do.  Examples of self awareness are knowing one's own strengths and weaknesses as well as taking time to internally and externally assess before taking action.
  4. Self-Regulation. Self-regulation is the capacity to deal with life's stressors in an effective and productive manner without becoming easily overwhelmed with negativity and reactivity.  There are many ways to increase self-regulation such as developing a contemplative practice, practicing self-compassion,  or learning how to calm one's nervous system by utilizing breathing techniques.
  5. Self-Motivation.  Self-motivation is related to one's capacity to get things done without little or no pressure from others.  A self-motivated person is action oriented and has a desire to reach their potential both personally and professionally.

Goleman's 5 core components constitute what it means to be emotionally intelligent. Highly emotionally intelligent people are more effective leaders,  compassionate friends, and loving family members.  If you are curious to learn what your emotional intelligence level, we invite you to take our quiz.  While it is not scientific, it will give you a better picture of your EQ level.

What is your EQ level?

To assess your emotional intelligence, please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements: 

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I don't become defensive when I am criticized.

I can identify my emotions.

I can turn obstacles into opportunities.

People have told me I am a good listener.

I am good at building rapport with others.

I can calm and soothe myself when I am distressed.

I know my strengths and weaknesses.

I set small, measurable, and realistic goals for myself.

I can sense the emotions of others, and I have compassion for them.

I am a good team player.

When things do not go my way I can handle it effectively.

I recognize the impact of my behavior on others.

I am open to change.

I seek to understand others thoughts, feelings, and perspectives without judgement.

I can share my emotions and needs with others comfortably.

I manage stress, anxiety, and fear during times of uncertainty.

I am aware of my own core values.

Internal and external criticism motivates me to grow.

I find that I am "in tune" with the emotions and moods of others.

I tend to listen before I speak.

Be sure to click Submit Quiz to see your results!